These Undertaker graphics are Cryptic Creations' originals. All of the Undertaker graphics on this page where generated/drawn by me, and originated at this site. Please ask before posting them on other pages, and if you do post them give a link back to this site.
Undertaker Clip Art and Cutouts are free for you to take and use as you like, just don't link directly to them and please give a link back to this site.
Mouse art:
Undertaker Knight (kind of old)
Hand Drawn:
UT's Demon tattoo choking the Crock's bull tattoo
Knight on Horseback
Computer art:
What that fluff on Taker's chin REALLY was.. (the Furby Files)
Old School (older crap of mine)
This bloodlust that drags me to forever...
The Mark of the Undertaker
Dragon's Fire
Winged one of the lower reaches
Of thee I shall drink...
Undertaker's EVILution
Mage's Fury
Would you rather be a rattlesnake or a Dragon?
Something all the ladies would love to see
Taker's Crematorium
More Vamp-Taker
The most wonderful thing about Taker, is he's the only one! Or is that Tiggers......
Winged Worshippers
Winged Servant
Dragon Undertaker Symbol
Undertaker Clip Art:
Stuff that's ok for you to take and use, but download it to
your OWN webspace and please give a courtesy link back here.
Seemless background/Divider (Celtic designs with Taker symbol)
Crystal Ball with Taker symbol
Coat of Arms Taker symbol
Framed Taker pic
Taker buttons- For any background For black/dark backgrounds
Skull w/ Taker symbol Best on dark/black backgrounds
Vertical bar w/ Taker symbols