Welcome to the Decapitorium, a collection of pics and animations (some interactive) of inferior souls who've challenged the Undertaker. All of these are exclusive originals and were made by me, if you want to use them, please credit with a link back here.
The following content might be deemed "offensive" by some. Good. If you're easily offended, easily grossed out, or eating and easily grossed out I'd suggest not looking.
These pictures in no way reflect any real personal hatred to the people behind the performances.
No wrestlers were physically harmed in the making of these pics. Mentally, however...
Anyway they're just pixels!
Bad Ass Pikachu electrifies Haku -(Flash)
Punch out Kurt Angle -(Flash)
Undertaker mows Bull(sh*t) Buchanan with his bike -(Flash)
Toss a bomb in Stephanie McMahon's mouth -(Flash)
Undertaker kills the Big Blow (show) once again! -(Flash)
Beat in Jericho's face -(JavaScript)
The Vince McMahon Virtual Voodoo doll -(JavaScript)
Animated GIFS
Booker gets decapitated (329k)
Undertaker impales HHH 656k (shorter than mpg)
Undertaker splits Hunter's head open (shorter than mpg) 551k
UT tombstones Asstin, with bloody results
Undertaker gets revenge on the Big JOKE
Lame's (Kane) "Face" melting off
Vince's head explodes yet again, except with much better detail
Undertaker makes Lame's head explode
Chokeslam by the Undertaker decapitates Stoned Cold Asstin
Vince's exploding head
Undertaker impales HHH 797k (shorter than gif)
Undertaker splits Hunter's head open (longer than gif) 973k
Sinking the Islanders (375k mpg)
Rikishi and Haku get sunk on their island. Mpeg uses the Angel Potion decoder.
If you don't want to download that, you can try these other formats-
Real Video 116k
Avi 830k
Diablos (FF8 GF) squashes Lame (1.9 meg Real Media Video)
Video summon of Guardian Force Diablos (from Final Fantasy 8) is Copyrighted to Squaresoft. I just stuck Lame in there and squashed him
Graphic Stills
No Mercy for the Unforgiven
Austin gets it again, the more things change the more they stay the same
Fame has a price (DDP)
The Game is now that damned DEAD
Play in Taker's yard and you get hurt, Kurt.
Don't Mess with the Bad Ass (Taker mowing Lame with the bike)
Payback's a BITCH (Shame, Big Slob and No-Angle all get decimated)
Undertaker holds up Lame's bloody head
Undertaker has Vince's bloody head
McMahon, Sacrificed
Submitted Pics
The Sanctum of Dark Arts contains art submitted by fans, several of which fit in this category.